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Running the Application from the Command Line

The HIPAA Claim Master can be used through other applications. A single 837-claim file can be read and displayed on the screen by using the HIPAA Claim Master executable with the EDI filename as an argument. This can be an important feature for a work flow application where a claim can be called up to the screen.

Calling the HIPAA Claim Master from the DOS prompt with the Claim EDI file as argument

The result is that the claim will be displayed on the screen without the usual frame of the HIPAA Claim Master application.


The claim displayed on the screen without the HIPAA Claim Master program frame.

If a "P" is used as a second argument, the claim will be printed without ever being displayed.

Claim Master returns -1 if any errors occurred in the process, and 0 if there was no error messages. It is really triggered by the error logging. So, any error that would make it to the log will cause the program to return -1.

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Using Command Line Arguments (CLI)

The HIPAA Claim Master can also accept command line arguments. This is a very important feature if you want to put the HIPAA Claim Master on a scheduler and automate the processing of files or directories. Refer to Running the Application via Scheduler.

The following is the list of the command line arguments, they must be separated by commas.


1. The first command line argument is the filename or the directory path. If not applicable, leave blank.
2. The second argument or a combination of arguments contains the processing options.
P — Print.

Using the "P" option as a Command Line Argument
T — TIFF File. If "T" is used as an argument, the claim will be saved as a TIFF image file. 

See Creating Image Files from EDI for details on how to set up the Image printing capabilities. 

Be sure that you have tested the Image printing, before trying the command line mode.

Using the "T" option as a Command Line Argument
F — PDF File. If "F" is used as an argument, the claim will be saved as a PDF image. ("P" could not be used again as it is already taken by print option). 

Again, be sure that you have tested the Image printing, before trying the command line mode.
X — Export to database
S — Search. See examples further.
Q — Query against database. See examples further.
E — Create EDI in conjunction with Q you can create an EDI file, either using the default settings from the last screen or the database depending whether the module EDI Exchange is licensed.
P — If a "P" is used as a second argument, the claim will be printed without ever being displayed.
3. The third command line argument is the image output filename or the EDI output filename when you create an 837 EDI file.

If your options specify single file name, then we will have a multi-page image file.

If your options specify one file per image, then passing the image filename in the command line really only makes sense in conjunction with a query.

Search condition when you try to find one specific claim within an EDI file and create the image for it. If there are multiple matches the program creates an enumeration in the filename such as "Filename," Filename_1, Filename_2 and so on.

A SQL query against the database where you expect a limited number of results (a single record preferably).
4. The fourth argument is your Query; you should have "Q" as second argument.
5. The fifth argument is the destination trading partner that you send an EDI file to. This works only with the EDI Exchange module enabled.


6. In the sixth argument you specify  whether to use "T" Test or "P" Production database connection if you have "Q" for query as the second argument.


Using Several Arguments

You can have a combination of the above arguments. For example, "XF" will export the data and create a pdf file.


If you want to export and image an EDI file, you can use "XF" as the second option.


Using the "XF" option for export and output as PDF file

The "X" option will turn on the translator functionality and claims will be exported to the defined data source. You can only do one imaging option such as printing or image file at a time.

"PF" is not valid.


Searching an EDI File

Here is the syntax for the command line arguments:

1. First: Filename to be processed.
2. Second: Command options: 

S for search

F for PDF
3. Third: Image file full path and filename.
4. Fourth: Search conditions in the form of Pipe (|) separated key-value pairs. (This is the back slash key in Shift mode).


Keys that can be searched at this time are:

ClaimNO — CLM_01 (you can look for several claim ID's at once separating the ID's with '&' symbols)
PatientID — NM1*QC_09
PatientLast — NM1*QC_3
SubcriberID — NM1*IL_09
SubscriberLast — NM1*IL _03
BillProvID — NM1*85_09
Segment — A complete segment such as "HI*BF*3544"



HIPAAClaimPrinter.exe I:\HIPAAsuiteCommDir\Inbox\837\HCFA_1,SF,C:\Temp\Test.pdf,ClaimNo= 6073123GWD|BillProvID=123414|SubscriberLast=SMITH


Working with the Database

Example 1

Here is an example of using a database search to create an 837 EDI file.


An example of using a SQL query to create an EDI file.

The above example has:

A blank first argument since no file or directory are to be processed.
The second argument is 'QE' meaning that an EDI file is to be created using the results from a SQL query.
Argument 3 is blank, meaning we use the default file naming convention
The fourth argument lists the query.
The fifth argument specifies the ISA identifier of the destination trading partner. This works only with the EDI Exchange module enabled. If the fifth argument is blank and EDI Exchange disabled then the last setting from the Create 837 screen is used as trading partner identifier.
The sixth argument determines whether the production or test database connection is to be used.


Example 2

Another example creating an image file from a query


Creating a PDF image file from the results of a query

The file C:\Temp\ImageFile1 will contain all the images from claims that fulfill the query.


Processing EDI Files with the EDI Exchange Module Enabled

The only argument you need in this case is "Auto". The directory to look for new files and the processing options are defined in the setup screens for EDI Exchange. No further arguments are needed.

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Printing and imaging from the database

In January 2015 we added the capability to print or create image files from database records.

The command line arguments for this are as follows:

1st argument: Should be empty

2nd argument can be now:

   QP - print records

   QT - tiff files

   QF - pdf files

3rd argument - Image File name- used only if program is set to create one result file (the same argument we use when create image files from file)

4th argument - Your query

5th argument - Custom printer name, can be omitted if the default printer is used

6th argument - Database, Test or Production, with the default of Production.


"C:\Program Files\HIPAAsuite\HIPAA Claim Master\HIPAAClaimMaster.exe" ,QF,,Select * from EDI_Claims where ClaimID = '1357'

This example will create an image file with the default naming convention from the claim with the ID of '1357'


"C:\Program Files\HIPAAsuite\HIPAA Claim Master\HIPAAClaimMaster.exe" ,QP,,Select * from EDI_Claims where SubscriberLast = 'SMITH',Lexmark X 500 Series,T

This example will print all claims in the Test database where the subscriber's last name is 'SMITH' to the Lexmark X500 Printer

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Changing the Default Company

The default company is the identity you assume as the sender when creating EDI files. This affects the ISA, GS, and NM1 sender segments. A single entity may have a need to act as multiple sender identities and so has a need to change the information in the EDI envelopes.

The default company can be changed using command line arguments, affecting the ISA and GS sender ID segments.

Sender ID segments in Company Setup

To change the default company, a single argument is needed. "Setcompany" followed by the company ID of the company you wish to set.

"setcompany <ID>"

The Company's ID in this case is not its EDI identifier, but the value of the ID row in the COMPANY_SETUP table. It can also be found in the Company Setup window's Current Company selector:

Company selection in Company Setup



The command argument setcompany 3



will set the default company to ID = 3, which is HIPAASUITE2 in the example picture above. The log entry for this command will be

Excerpt from log. Default company changed.

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Running the Application via Scheduler

The HIPAA Claim  Master can be automated through a scheduler. A scheduler is software that can be programmed to execute a certain task at a certain time repeatedly. Windows has such a scheduler built in.

The Windows scheduler can be used to let the HIPAA Claim  Master execute in regular intervals without user intervention. Usually one would let the HIPAA Claim Master scan a directory and then print, create image files or export the data and remove the files to prevent duplicate processing.


Use the command line with the appropriate options as described in Using Command Line Arguments (CLI).

Note: Please consult Windows help files for further information on setting up the scheduler.


1. If the task scheduler is installed on your system, you will find it in the "Control Panel". To open Scheduled Tasks, click Start arrow Control Panel arrow Scheduled Tasks.

Note: In different Windows versions, the way to access the Task Scheduler can differ. Consult your Windows version documentation.

The Windows Task Scheduler

2. Click on "Add Scheduled Task" and the "Scheduled Task Wizard" will guide you through the setup process.

3. In the first window, read the welcome message and click "Next."

The "Scheduled Task Wizard" window

4. Browse to the HIPAAClaimMaster.exe executable file.

The "Scheduled Task Wizard" window

By default, the application is located in C:\Program Files\HIPAAsuite\HIPAA Claim Master\HIPAAClaimMaster.exe

Selecting a program to schedule

Click "Next."

5. Type a name for this task. Choose a time interval:

One time only
When my computer starts
When I log on

Click "Next."

The "Scheduled Task Wizard" window

6. Enter the name and password of a user. The task will run as if it were started by that user. Click "Next."

The "Scheduled Task Wizard" window

7. In the last screen, make sure you have specified all data correctly. Click "Finish" to save your task.

The "Scheduled Task Wizard" window

8. The scheduled task has been added to the system. Now lets edit the new task and add the desired command line arguments with the appropriate options. Double-click the newly created task in the "Scheduled Tasks" window.

The Windows Task Scheduler

9. Enter parameters to the "Run" field after the application path and click "OK." Refer to Using Command Line Arguments (CLI) for more information.


Tip: Logs may be helpful when running the program automatically through the scheduler. See Accessing Daily File Log.

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