HIPAA Claim Status Checker

It’s time to go electronic with claim status.
Providers will save countless hours of back office time by switching to electronic claims status inquiries. Exchange the 276/277 claim status transactions even in real-time to take advantage of requirements that payers have under HIPAA and the ACA. Discover our user friendly interface for handling manual and automated requests and work with the responses confidently.
- Overview
- Additional Features
- Database Connection
- RealTime Client
- Create PDF's
- EDI Exchange
Providers need to know the status of a claim from a payer. This often consumes a lot of time and consists of hours to be spent on hold. Many provider offices have designated staff to find out the payment status on unpaid claims. The HIPAA act created the 276/277 EDI transactions to make this exchange of information electronically. Payers are required by law to respond to electronic claim status requests and the healthcare industry is pushing for the responses to be sent in real time.
The HIPAA Claim Status Checker has enabled providers to create electronic request in the 276 format and to receive and translate the 277 response. See the features of the HIPAA Claim Status Checker:
- User friendly interface
- Manually create 276 electronic requests
- Creates 276 electronic request files from database
- Views 277 claim status response records
- Supports versions X212 and X214 (277CA)
- Saves 277 responses into your database
- Combines requests and responses
A module that is optional and works with the HIPAA Claim Status Checker is our EDI Exchange. See here some of the following features EDI Exchange:
- Manages multiple trading partners
- Handles encryption and transport
- Automates processes
- Includes CORE client for real time transmission
- Supports MIME and SOAP
The manual mode is ideal for provider offices who have dedicated staff that can take advantage of EDI electronic claim status transactions. Working in manual mode make things easy. Compose your request and hit send. The response is automatically received and your staff won’t need to spend time on hold over the phone anymore. Responses are translated in a simple and clear format for your staff to review. They can acknowledge responses, review and make corrections to the claim and resubmit.
Get your claim status electronically with our HIPAA Claim Status Checker. Try a free trial now!
While larger organizations want to automate the creation of requests and receiving of responses, the HIPAA Claim Status Checker will integrate into their database.
Features included with basic module:
- Create 276 requests
- Read and parse 276 status requests
- View and print 277 responses
Eliminate the need to manually create HIPAA EDI 276 claim status requests. No need to spend time making phones calls to check on your claims.
DB Connect feature connects with your database, allowing HIPAA Claim Status Checker to convert claim data into 276 claim status request files and sends them to payers. HIPAA 277 EDI responses are received and imported into your database to be accessed by your applications and processes.
Hospitals and other companies who submit large volumes of 276 claim status requests will benefit the most from our DB Connect feature. All 276 requests and 277 responses are stored in your database.
HIPAAsuite supports the following databases:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL Server Integrated Security
- SQL Server versions 2008 and up
- Oracle
- Advantage
- Any other ODBC compliant database
Create 276 electronic requests from your database by downloading HIPAA Claim Status Checker. Try a free trial now!
The real-time client enables communications with CORE compliant SOAP or MIME servers.
Many payers and providers invested in image scanning system for their paper claims and often business processes rely on people being able to access the image of a submitted claim from an image store. With electronic claims this process breaks unless you use the HIPAA Claim Status Checker’s image file creation feature.
There are two image file formats to choose from, TIFF and PDF. The image of the claim as you see it on screen can be saved in those formats, including additional pages and detailed COB information. The PDF images are searchable and indexable, meaning there is some basic information of the claim saved in the file in meta data spaces that help with indexing and sorting the images.
You can even create entries in an image index file or image index database table of every image and its relevant information, file name and location.
Eliminate rejected EDI transactions. Let only data into your system that has been checked for HIPAA compliance with our HIPAA EDI Exchange module. No more "garbage in, garbage out". Discover how you can manage EDI file Transport:
- Benefit from HIPAA compliance checks.
- Confidently manage your whole EDI protocol with acknowledgements and security. (many of your trading partners will require this)
- Log all your EDI exchanges and automate your process.
EDI File Transport - Sends and receives EDI files via the File Transport Protocol (FTP). The application supports all variations of this protocol: FTP, sFTP and FTPs (implicit and explicit). PGP encryption is supported.
HIPAA Compliance Check - It has a built-in EDI HIPAA compliance engine. All incoming and outgoing EDI files are checked for HIPAA compliance. A detailed report is created for every compliance issue. Transactions that are in violation will be held back based on HIPAA rules.
EDI Acknowledgements - It creates TA1 and 999 EDI Acknowledgement files when a trading partner wants to receive them.
Trading Partner Management - Keep track of multiple trading partners with their identifiers and configurations.
Automation - Integrates with any scheduler to allow automated processing. Gets files from trading partners, decrypts, checks for HIPAA compliance and calls the appropriate HIPAAsuite application for further processing.
Logs - Incoming and outgoing EDI files are logged with compliance check results stored in the database. Troubleshooting is easy with a daily log that list all activities and error messages.

Add This Product To Your Configuration
HIPAA Eligibility Checker. Avoid annoying IVR systems and spending countless hours collecting information over the phone with our HIPAA Eligibility Checker. Take advantage of the latest technologies and manage patient eligibility electronically.
See the features of the HIPAA Eligibility Checker:
- User friendly interface
- Creates 270 electronic request
- Manage 271 eligibility responses
- MIME and SOAP real-time client
- Combines requests and responses
- Supports database integration
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